Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Letter to Blogger

Dear Blogger,

I have been using Blogger for my blogs for years now, and I continually like the flexibility that is put at my fingertips. However, there are one or two things that could be fixed, but never seem to be. When I write articles, I like to include links, videos, and pictures to break up the otherwise monotonous wall of text that a reader would see.

Adding a link is perfectly intuitive, and I'm pleased with how it's done, although I would like to see an option added for one to quickly and easily define the target of the link, without having to encode it themselves.

I've not actually tried the "add a video" button, as I usually just use embedded videos from other websites, but I do appreciate how well Blogger usually works with these.

My complaints truly come with your "add image" button. I like being able to upload my images directly to Blogger, as, if I upload them to imageshack or tinypic, I worry that they will be deleted by accident (or flagged wrongly) and there goes my image, but Blogger lets me upload multiple images at once, or easily and quickly create multiple images from image links.

However, my problems start when the image code is put in. First of all, it puts the image code at the TOP of the article, rather than at my cursor. Why? For some articles, I have to scroll quite a ways up and drag the image down, or at the least am highly inconvenienced as I have to play with the code to get it where I want. Second, Blogger automatically gives the image a link to itself with an "onBlur" function. I don't want this, and I have to delete it by hand each time, which is very, very annoying. Can't you create an advanced options pallet that will allow one to select the link they want their image to carry, if any, and whether or not to have the onBlur effect added? Furthermore, the margins and cursor: point style abilities are annoying, and are rarely what I want. Can't you make them options that can be saved for re-use time after time, like alignment options? I don't want the cursors turning into arrows or pointers when rolling over an image, and I don't like the margins that it automatically adds. Sure, I can simply modify the code of my images without a problem, but with an article that has 15+ images, this gets very tedious. Finally, give the ability to modify an image AFTER it has been embedded! Put in some kind of properties pallet that will allow one to completely change the image, link, alignment, etc. of an image without having to delve into the code for that sort of thing.

With that said, thank you very much for continually giving excellent service to so many people.


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