On Female Gaming and Segregation
NOTE: This article contains satire and is not to be taken seriously.
I recently came upon an article by a female gamer named Sapphire. She rants at length on how this gaming female talks in this blog article about how gaming females are "segregated" against, and that forming female gaming clans is only an attention-whoring attempt, etc. Sapphire apparently disagrees, thinking that such groups are good in order to show female gaming abilities and prove that female gamers aren't there to be sluts, and so forth.
Personally? I think that acknowledging segregation provokes more of it. For example, if I was gay, but I didn't want people to look at me as a gay person, but just as a person, I would keep my mouth shut. They don't have to know. It's much easier that way than trying to educate the masses on why discrimination is bad, because the masses aren't too keen on learning fairness. In this case, I think that female gamers shouldn't even acknowledge their gender. Who cares, anyway? Joining female-only clans (in this case, PMS, for Pandora's Mighty Soldiers; an acronym that was obviously made before the actual name) will only scream the fact that one is a female gamer, enforcing whatever rift there is between the genders. Kind of like boys-only and girls-only clubs in second grade. Once the barriers, whether barriers of pride or dislike, disappear, the two opposites can mingle, eventually leading to a point where any segregation is simply impossible, due to how intermingled the two are.
There are, in my mind, two kinds of segregation; auto-segregation, and self-segregation. In other words, there is segregation when you are pushed away from the group for being different, and segregation where you push the crowd away for not taking enough note of you being different. Both are bad, and here's why; as long as one suggests they are better than another, whether it is due to sex, race, sexual orientation, or location, will bring about the same amounts of hatred as one would receive if others told them that they were lessers. This also applies to when one over-amplifies their individuality. If I had green skin, I would try to lower my head and fit in as best I could. Why can't those who feel that they have something stupendous do the same? In this case, those of different genders should just go along and do their gaming, since gender makes no difference. In the real world, those who are homosexual should just get along with others without trying to press their habits. It's a free country, in the United States of America, and one has the right to express themselves, but sometimes they just try to get attention by being as different as possible, and then they wonder why people dislike, discriminate, etc.
If you're different, be different, just don't wave around banners and shout that you are different, or else, unsurprisingly, you will be treated differently.