I recently have come across a superb documentary on Google Video (really the only thing I use that somewhat drab service for) discussing the potential of artificial intelligence, both in enhancing humans, and in replacing them (see it embedded below).
This documentary, entitled "Horizon - Human Version 2.0" by BBC discusses the eventual "singularity", or point at which our understanding of the human brain and capabilities of computer processing power will converge to allow us to "download" ourselves, that is, our brains, into computers. It is a truly fascinating documentary and I highly recommend watching it.
Read more.
I've long been fascinated by this concept--could computers gain sentience, and if they could, should we allow them to? The documentary suggests that it is inevitable; if something can be created, it will be. Perhaps this is so, and perhaps not, but regardless of which direction the future takes it, I would personally love to see sentient computers. Why? Well, aside from the "cool" factor, I believe that it could go a long ways towards making life better for humanity. Imagine--a computer sentience that ruled humanity, giving perfect laws and directions and flawless judgment to those who deserve such. The world could be one of absolute peace.
Basically, the same thing that was discussed in I, Robot (the movie), but taken from the angle of a digital ruler being a good thing, rather than a bad one. Of course, there is always the question of whether or not we will be seen as pests and disgusting embarrassments to this creature, or perhaps adorable animals to be protected, as we often see dogs and cats. One cannot truly say which direction the future will take, but as I see it, we will either be destroyed by either one another or time, anyway. Why not make the gamble of creating something that could live beyond we, ourselves?
Though I wouldn't mind living in a virtual world where things just went my way. That would be something to die for, in a very literal manner.