The Sims: The Movie - If Bored, Select "Read a Book"
NOTE: This article contains satire and is not to be taken seriously.
Hard to believe, but the film rights of The Sims have been sold by its creator company, Maxis, to FOX Entertainment for way too much, though I am not sure of the true price. What kind of an idiot would buy the movie rights to this? I am rather disappointed with Maxis founder, Will Wright, for letting this pass. I really figured that he had more understanding of what would pass. Of course, a movie of the Sims may well draw traffic simply from game fans, but what is there really to do in the movie? The game is about different characters living out their lives. How can that possibly be made into a blockbuster? As Scott Weinberg of Cinematical very expertly said,
Imagine a live-action 90-minute movie in which all the characters do is lounge around the house, take a few showers, pee a lot, cook food, call people, wash toilets, work out, buy furniture, pee some more, woo neighbors, put out fires, dance strangely, collect mail, pee once more, read a book, and then walk outside yelling Buuu-fwoobadooo-mWAH! to anyone within earshot. Sound like fun?
Unless one actually created a machinima using the Sims (which has been done, with mixed results), I can't see how one would tie anything game-related into a video. The Sims is so far removed from a movie, they are like James Bond and George Bush. The whole point of the game is that there are no goals, no plot, no real rules; you do what you want. In other words, you play out a life. How is that any different from what practically every movie has been doing since drama was first created? What will indicate that the movie has any relation to the game, unless it shows an entire family living out their individual lives with the camera switching between their different worlds depending on who has a selection diamond floating over their head?

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