Saturday, December 15, 2007

Augment Me, Deus Ex 3

Apparently I haven't been paying enough attention, because the announcement of Deux Ex 3's release completely slipped by me. Now, I adore the original Deus Ex, and even liked Invisible War, even though it was nothing as good as the first (just like how Thief: Deadly Shadows was nothing as good as the first two--just some examples of how improving the graphics can be a bad thing). Now, personally, I also rather enjoyed Bioshock, though I understand a lot of the complaints of it being nothing like System Shock 2 and instead more like Half Life 2 (which I also liked).

Anyway, the point is that I hope they try for something a bit more like the original, as opposed to the second (basically, less action, more story). It has been awhile since I played either game, but I recall enough to say that I enjoyed the augmentation system of Deus Ex far more than the system of Deus Ex 2. Why? Because it makes your character seem more special, while in the sequel, everyone and their dog is augmented (it smacks of Bioshock's blissful use of plasmids). Perhaps even worse is their attempts to force old characters into the sequel, especially considering that one could choose the ending of the first game (see the potential--and awesome--endings for deus ex below).

What's the only worse thing than a sequel in which the beginning is based off of an assumed ending for the prior game (Fallout and Half Life excluded)? Why, a prequel where, regardless of what choices you may have, you already know how it will all turn out. It has not been officially claimed to be a prequel as of yet, but as those of this forum would point out, there are a few suggestions of such in the (in my opinion, poor) trailer.

Basically, I just hope that it doesn't discredit a beloved game, as so many new games, especially sequels, do.

I could go on a tangent about Bioshock, Deus Ex, etc., but I think I will save them for their own episodes of Walk Down Memory Lane, as I should have for Portal.

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